Important Links to MNBC
MNBC Citezenship Cards
MNBC is the only Métis organization BC to be officially recognized by the provincial and federal governments as the official political representative of Métis people in the province.
The Court identified three broad factors in Métis identification that must all be met for gaining Métis Citizenship:
1) Self identification
2) Ancestral connection to the historic Métis community
3) Contemporary Métis community acceptance
Here is the link to more info:
Here is the link to the application for MNBC citizenship:
Harvester Cards
Métis Nation BC is now issuing Harvester Cards. MNBC citizens may apply for cards by printing a copy of the forms from this website or by requesting forms from the MNBC Harvester Registry Clerk, completing the application as directed and then sending them to MNBC.
At this time, the MNBC Harvester Card may only be used to replace the Federal Migratory Bird license. Métis must continue to purchase all other government licenses or face charges from enforcement officers.
Here is the link to more info:
Here is the link to the application:
Métis Veterans (MVBC)
In September of 2010, the membership of the MNBC Annual General Assembly (AGM) ratified the first Métis Veterans Act in the history of our BC Métis Nation, enacting legislation to govern Métis Veterans in BC and to establish guidelines and principals within policies and procedures of the Veterans committee.
Standing Committee:
To identify opportunities associated for Métis veterans including public awareness, education, and Métis cultural recognition
To identify Métis veterans programs that can be implemented to support the work of the committee
To define a Métis veterans identification process
To support Métis veterans communications through email, MNBC website, Kiwetin Magazine, and other means as required by the committee
To participate in Métis Nation British Columbia governance including the role of 'Dumont Scouts' for provincial level meetings
To organize and assemble MNBC Flag Parties as required
To develop a Métis veteran's membership system and governance structure that can provide democratic representation with the MNBC seven Regions.
Here is the link to more info:
Here is the link to the Veteran Act:
http: //
Here is the link to the MVBC application: